

The definition pages on this site identify the source of the data used in the visualizations, and describe and document the attributes, measures, and metrics used on each visualization.


Attributes are characteristics of each data observation found in each subject area.  For example, an individual student in the Student Success subject area has characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, and residency.   These attributes are available for grouping, sorting, and filtering (a.k.a. “slicing , dicing, and drill down.”)

Lists of common attributes used on this site.

Subject Areas

Visualizations usually come from one primary subject area.  Subject areas contains facts  about a specific event or activity.  Each subject area will contain at least one measure/metric.  For example, a degree conferred would contain a measure of headcount, but it could also contain a measure of number of hours completed to get the degree.

Following are the main subject areas used for the TAMUS metrics site.  Each visualization/dashboard is usually constructed using data from a single subject area. You can find the actual measure/metric definition on the subject pages.

  • Enrollment (includes incoming student characteristics)
  • Degrees Conferred
  • Student Success
  • Financial Summary data
  • Outcome Funding (metrics under consideration at the THECB that may impact the institutions funding)

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